June 24, 2022

NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s Statement on SCOTUS Ruling Overturning Roe V Wade

For Immediate Release
Contact: bowman.press@mail.house.gov

NEWS: Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s Statement on SCOTUS Ruling Overturning Roe V Wade

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Following today’s ruling from the United States Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Congressman Jamaal Bowman (NY-16) released the following statement in response: 

“Today is a dark day in American history. We knew it was coming, but that doesn’t make it any less devastating.

“I want to first take a moment to send a message to everyone who today lost this fundamental, sacred right: we are with you, and we will not stop fighting with you. If you are in need of an abortion and you are in a state where you lost that right, New York will welcome you. We will do everything in our power to help you exercise your rights.

“Our country today failed the millions of Americans who will suffer from this inhumane, dangerous, and deadly ruling — especially the poor and people of color who will suffer and die the most. Every Senate Democrat, and every Senator who claims to be pro-choice, must be united and act now to restore and protect abortion rights and pass the Women’s Health Protection Act.

“This was not merely a court ruling, this was an attack – one that was planned by far-right extremists and carried out by the United States Supreme Court. This ruling is about controlling women and robbing them of their right to make decisions about their own bodies and healthcare. This is an outright attack on the overall freedoms of women across this country. 

“Let’s be clear: between sham appointments, stolen seats, and extreme verdicts like this one today, the United States Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy. For our democracy and governance to work, we must restore the legitimacy of the Court. The best way to do that is to expand the Supreme Court and restore a level of balance that has eroded over the years.

“This is a dark day, but today the fight begins – the fight to restore abortion and reproductive rights in every state in the country . We must prevail, and I believe we will.”
